হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসা সেবায় আমরাই এগিয়ে, সরাসরি চেম্বারে বা কুরিয়ার সার্ভিসের মাধ্যমে চিকিৎসা সেবা নিতে পারেন, ডাঃ আরিফুল ইসলাম আদনান সামী (ডি এইচ এম এস) Whats-app & imo : 01721418696
এভেনা সেটাইভা সেগুলোকে সফলতার সাথে সামাল দিতে পারে।
এটি মাদার টিংচার (Q) শক্তিতে এবং আধা গ্লাস হালকা গরম পানিতে মিশিয়ে খাবেন।
The homeopathic remedy Avena Sativa is made from a wild oat and is in the species that includes cereal grains and the seeds of this plant.
It helps maintain vitality, endurance, and stamina, and offers a fortifying boost when you are feeling weak, distracted, and agitated. Avena Sativa has been found to increase attention span and improve mental performance. It can reduce insomnia, and anxiety and relieve neurological pain.
After a mentally stressful day, recovery from illness, excessive worrying, or alcohol consumption leads toward occasional sleeplessness, poor concentration, headaches and fatigue, Avena Sativa offers calming, soothing, supportive relief.
Note: There are no known side effects unless you have sensitivity to gluten.
One of my favorite herbs — oatstraw — is a grass. Oatstraw (Avena sativa) is the dried leaves, or straw, of the plant that gives us the grain oats, found in most households as rolled oats.
I use a full ounce (by weight) of dried oatstraw, with or without seeds, in a quart of boiling water, steeped at least four hours, to make a restorative tonic. Oatstraw is considered an herb of longevity in India.
American herbalists value it as a strengthener and nourisher to the nerves.
Like oats themselves,
oatstraw infusion is heart healthy and cholesterol-lowering. Many a menopausal woman has praised oatstraw’s cooling, calming ways.